The three essential traits for effective leadership

A more human form of leadership is needed for organisations to be truly successful

Turning disengaged compliance into transformation

Managers may not be particularly engaged by monitoring performance but many still need help to do their 'managing' well

HR Director of the Year 2018 shortlist announced

?We are delighted to announce the shortlist for the 2018 HR Excellence Awards HR Director of the Year award

HR Excellence Awards 2018 shortlist announced

?HR magazine is delighted to announce the shortlist for the 2018 HR Excellence Awards

Hierarchical cultures stifle innovation, say experts

?HR must steer away from hierarchical work cultures to survive uncertain times, according to director of learning at the Corporate Research Forum (CRF) Nick Holley

Develop HR teams with an OD mindset

Some HR people make fantastic OD practitioners, many do not

HRD's pocket guide to... intellectual property

This month's pocket guide delves into intellectual property issues

The future of the organisation and implications for OD

Becoming future-ready can be difficult when there's little guidance. Here's what you can do to prepare

What leaders need to know about the future of teams

Team leaders will need the ability to create teams, get them performing effectively and then disband them on a positive note

HRD's pocket guide to... market research

January's pocket guide outlines what you should know when it comes to market research

Boosting your bottom line through employee engagement

By targeting your lowest-paid staff rather than those at the top you could begin to see real progress

Do not ignore automation anxiety

We're all grappling with preparing for a future that few can predict. But that’s not a reason to do nothing