Development opportunities should be a two-way street

More HR professionals should consider mutually-beneficial development opportunities

Leaders may have more soft skills than you think

Most people use soft skills already, without perhaps knowing what they are

John Lewis might have made the ideal appointment

Choosing a new leader from outside the sector may seem risky, but they can provide valuable insight

Is HR getting too 'soft' in its focus?

Boosting leaders' soft skills won't make them more effective without a firm foundation

Bad bosses creating toxic workplaces

As fresh allegations emerge of bullying and toxic work cultures in high-profile organisations, research has found that bad bosses are largely to blame

HR must help organisations navigate change

The workplace is transforming fast and who better to shepherd organisations through this than the professionals who understand people?

Lessons from the Conservative leadership race: Beware the 'heroic' leader

When we search, in the face of such a complex, divisive, intractable issue such as Brexit, for a leader who will save us in an instant, is it any surprise they fail?

Leadership in an age of social media

Social media is changing the role of leaders and their relationships with ‘followers’ and other stakeholders.

How to combat 'mansplaining' in leadership

The rise in mansplaining in the workplace could prohibit the leadership development of talented individuals who may be intimidated by this behaviour

Does HR have a race problem?

We asked HR professionals whether they think HR is as racially-diverse and inclusive as it should be

Leadership development is not working for Millennials

There are four key things lacking in this cohort's leadership development

Employees leaving high-pressure jobs need support

People working in high-pressure environments often experience issues when they leave these ‘comfort zones’, according to a panel speaking at an 87% launch event