Parents working far over contracted hours

?The modern workplace is pushing parents to breaking point and creating a ‘parenthood penalty'

Hot topic: Extra leave for non-smokers, part two

Japanese firm Piala recently announced six extra paid leave days a year for non-smoking staff

Hot topic: Extra leave for non-smokers

Japanese firm Piala recently announced six extra paid leave days a year for non-smoking staff

Employees unclear about workplace benefits

People are far more likely to apply for jobs where the employee benefits are made clear, research has shown

Is it time for care providers to move away from self-employed workers?

Alternative working patterns would still offer workers flexibility but safeguard providers against future holiday pay claims

Swap smoking for holidays?

This concept is certainly interesting for employers suffering from smoking-related disruption at work

It’s time for benefits platforms to deliver on their hype

You should demand more from your benefits software, says Nick Kjelgaard

Is compensation due for unused holiday?

Public debate on the Taylor Review and an upcoming judgment of the ECJ will keep holiday pay on the radar

Communicating your benefits offering

Staff can take their benefits package for granted. Here's how to best communicate what's on offer

LISAs: Help or hindrance?

Lifetime ISAs could entice employees away from workplace pensions say some. So where will they and where won't they work?

Staff look to employers for healthcare

Workers are increasingly turning to their employers to fund services that may not be quickly available on the NHS

Glassdoor's top employers for work/life balance revealed

There's no single approach to achieving a good work/life balance for staff, according to Glassdoor