BAME workers have been under-protected during the pandemic

BAME workers in the UK have been ‘overexposed, under-protected, stigmatised and overlooked’ during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The nine 'levers' you need to pull if you're serious about inclusion

At the current rate of progress with inclusion, it won't be our daughters who stand the same chance as our sons of being the next CEOs. It won't even be our granddaughters. It will be our...

Government pressed to consider coronavirus’ long-term impact on employee health

More research into the coronavirus pandemic’s long-term impact on employees' health and career development is needed, according to The Employment Lawyers Association (ELA).

Employers not doing enough to encourage senior level diversity

?Less than a quarter (23%) of UK employers go beyond basic legislative requirements on diversity when it comes to recruitment and selection of senior level roles.

Workplace happiness ethnicity gap emerging

An ethnicity gap is emerging when it comes to workplace happiness, according to a new report from WorkL.

Why white male managers need to talk about diversity

If improving workplace diversity and inclusion isn’t on your agenda, then you need to take a different view. Many businesses are now taking a positive step in the right direction, incorporating new...

It's time for financial firms to “walk the walk” on diversity

It’s almost outdated to speak about how important the issue of diversity has become in our professional lives.

Creating an inclusive culture at Thames Water

?The UK’s National Inclusion Week has seen over 3,000 participants promote inclusive practices both in and outside the workplace.

Why all employers must learn how to become actively anti-racist

This week Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) England released new research revealing that 6.5 million employees feel they cannot be their ‘real self’ at work and less than half (43%) think their...

Keeping diversity on the agenda during tough times

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I) has never been more of a pressing topic. Be it in the workplace, in our personal lives or in society, there is (rightful) pressure for us to make sure our...

People in ethnic minorities at heightened risk of financial insecurity

?People from black, Asian and other minority ethnic (BAME) communities are more than twice as likely than the UK average to be out of work as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, according to...

How to cultivate inclusive language in the workplace

The language used in a workplace can be one of the main indicators of a toxic culture – whether it’s asking someone where they’re really from or using racist language in the workplace, it can add up...