Case study: Tailoring a health and wellbeing strategy

The workforce at Arconic’s Kitts Green site weren’t engaged with health interventions, so HR created a strategy around their specific wellbeing needs

Employee data can create more questions than answers

Gathering as much data as possible isn't the key to understanding an organisation's health, according to employee measurement and insights lead at BP Laura Hammett

Gamification in HR: Hit or miss?

Gamification has been around for some time now, so where has it proved a useful tool in HR and where has it been over-hyped?

Why long service awards don’t have to be long

It’s often said that long service awards no longer have a place in today’s world of work

The importance of psychological safety

You may not know your staff aren’t speaking up, meaning problems go unreported and unresolved

Engagement surveys failing to provide the full picture

Engagement surveys are not always an accurate measure of true engagement, according to new research

Focus more on intersectionality, organisations told

A panel at EUROUT conference spoke of the need to think about the person as a whole and about the challenges and opportunities of setting diversity and inclusion targets

Lindsay McGregor: Play matters more than purpose at work

Play is an overlooked concept in understanding and measuring motivation, according to author and Vega Factor CEO Lindsay McGregor

How businesses can engage BAME employees

As chair of Amazon’s Black Employee Network (BEN) I have seen how vital it can be for organisations to engage black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) employees

Hot topic: Worker share schemes, part two

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell recently set out plans that would oblige large firms to offer worker share schemes

Hot topic: Worker share schemes

Shadow chancellor John McDonnell recently set out plans that would oblige large firms to offer worker share schemes

CIPD 2018: Trust can't be automated

Efficiency should never be substituted for trust, according to Oxford university lecturer and author of Who Can You Trust? Rachel Botsman