Older workers’ employability is an HRD responsibility, part two

While people are working longer and longer, there is a perception that older workers are less able to move between jobs than younger cohorts, and HR needs to address that, finds Silvia Dello Russo.


Legalising ‘no jab, no job’ vaccine policy

Employers may be able to insist that new employees take the COVID-19 vaccine, however HR is concerned it will create a minefield of compliance and discrimination issues.

Easy steps for HR to create trans-inclusive workplaces

Let me be blunt - in 2021, it is still the case that trans and gender diverse individuals face a significant level of discrimination and marginalisation in both society and the workplace. If we spoke...

Older workers’ employability is an HRD responsibility, part one

While people are working longer and longer, there is a perception that older workers are less able to move between jobs than younger cohorts, and HR needs to address that, finds Silvia Dello Russo.

Time to get gritty with diversity and inclusion

I don’t know an organisation that doesn’t have targets. Whether it’s a charity setting a fundraising target; the NHS determining acceptable wait times for operations; start-ups aiming for market...

How leaders can identify racial trauma

The evidence that racism exists in workplaces is incontestable. Discussion of issues such as the race pay gap and the lack of BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) representation at senior levels is...

Better LGBT+ programmes needed to avoid conflicts

LGBT+ employees are experiencing high levels of conflict and low levels of psychological safety in the workplace, according to new research by the CIPD.

HR’s conflict management is lacking in charities

The bullying of marginalised people working in voluntary and not-for-profit organisations has raised critical questions about the state of equality and inclusion in the third sector.

The Handford Parish Council viral zoom meeting showcased everyday sexism at work

A video of a chaotic parish council meeting went viral last week. After ten months of living and working through a pandemic, many of us could relate to the new challenges we face navigating an online...

BAME leadership: sensitising leaders early on

One of the major problems in tackling racial diversity lies in a lack of awareness about BAME leadership among students who are future HR leaders.

BME employment has plummeted during pandemic

Black and minority ethnic (BME) workers have been hit much harder by job losses during the pandemic than white workers, according to new TUC analysis.

Employers failing to tackle age bias in recruitment

Employers are failing to identify and tackle age bias in recruitment processes despite not viewing ageism as a problem in their organisation.