Millicent Machell

Rise in data requests costing businesses millions

A rise in data subject access requests (DSARs) is costing businesses millions, according to research from HR and law group Loch Associates.


Ryanair social media manager resigns over company culture

Michael Corcoran, who built Ryanair’s sarcastic social media brand, alleged that the airline has a toxic culture which led him to resign.


Nepotism threatens youth career prospects

The majority (61%) of young people say it has become more difficult to get a job without a ‘way in’, while 54% feel anxious about being left behind by the job market, according to a study from KFC and...


AI Summit needs to address ‘here and now’ threats, TUC says

Rishi Sunak has promised the AI Summit (1-2 November) at Bletchley Park will address future threats from AI, but workers' rights organisations have called the event a missed opportunity to face...


Doctor loses tribunal after raising safety concerns

A consultant obstetrician who was dismissed after raising safety concerns has lost his claim of retaliatory victimisation.


Apprenticeships have plummeted since levy introduced

Apprenticeship starts have fallen by 31% in England since the apprenticeship levy was introduced, according to the CIPD.


A million more workers aged over 65 than in 2000

The number of over-65s in the workforce has risen by almost a million people since the turn of the millennium, according to new analysis from charity the Centre for Ageing Better.


Employers pledge to stop asking salary history

Employers including the Samaritans, TripAdvisor and Women in Sport have pledged not to ask candidates about their salary history in order to help address the gender pay gap.


Doctor pockets £10,000 sick pay while moonlighting at two other hospitals

Junior doctor, Tracy Landu-Landu, took four months sick pay from the NHS while moonlighting at two different hospitals.


Rishi Sunak says AI is a ‘co-pilot’ rather than risk to jobs

In a speech yesterday (26 October) on the future of AI, prime minister Rishi Sunak said AI at work should be considered a ‘co-pilot’ rather than a risk to jobs.


Acas launches predictable working pattern consultation

Workplace arbitration body Acas has launched a consultation into its Code of Practice on handling requests for a predictable working pattern, ahead of new legislation.


How IRIS Software Group is amplifying Gen Z’s voice at work

Stephanie Kelly, chief people officer at IRIS Software Group, looks at how to help younger workers speak up in the workplace.
