June Barber

Cranfield report is discouraging for women aspiring to FTSE board director status

A report monitoring the male-female composition of FTSE boardrooms claims 'corporate Britain is failing women'.


Queen's Speech: additional powers for the FSA but still no cap on bank staff bonuses

The Financial Services Bill, outlined in the Queen's Speech, is designed to strengthen financial regulation and give the Financial Services Authority (FSA) the power to stop excessive bonus payments....


Slang and jokes are given the thumbs-up by company directors

Jokes and slang has become more accepted in the UK workplace over the past decade, according to a recent survey.


Queen's Speech: agency workers to have equal treatment with permanent staff

Legislation will be passed to provide agency workers with the right to be treated equally with permanent staff on pay, holidays and other basic conditions, it was confirmed in the Queen's Speech...


Workers' suggestions for reducing commuting falls on deaf ears

UK workers waste 4.6 million hours a day travelling to work, according to recent research, but their bosses are reluctant to allow them to work more flexibly.


Working parents may be forced to give up their jobs if tax relief on childcare vouchers is scrapped

More than 60% of working parents using childcare vouchers may have to consider giving up their jobs if tax relief on the scheme is phased out.


Slight narrowing of gender pay gap provides no room for complacency

The hourly full-time gender pay gap has narrowed in the past year, according to the latest figures from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).


Skills Strategy will further weaken employers' role in identifying skills needs, says CIPD

The new Skills Strategy promises yet more quangos that will further marginalise employers in the skills system, according to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).


Call centre business to create 10,000 jobs for the unemployed

A call-centre business that plans to create 10,000 jobs for the unemployed has been launched in Croydon, Surrey.


Charity launches scheme to make vulnerable young people more employable

Action for Children today introduces an innovative employment scheme aimed at raising the aspirations of vulnerable young people and helping them find work at a time when youth unemployment is at an...


CBI calls for reform of adult skills training funding

The CBI urges the Government to reform the funding of adult skills and training support, to increase UK competitiveness and help people find and hold onto jobs during the recession.


Workers are more likely to be sick on Monday than any other day of the week

More than a third of all sick leave is taken on a Monday, according to research by Mercer.
