Bek Frith

97% of employers have more male global assignees than female

Women were also found to gain less career value from international assignments


Age does not determine technical confidence

There is only a weak correlation between people's age and their confidence with digital technologies


Bradford and Coventry top cities for presenteeism

Marketing and healthcare were found to be the sectors most suffering from presenteeism


Sports Direct founder defends its practices

Sports Direct was accused of "Victorian" working practices in a select committee meeting


Cycling delivers £72 million-worth of economic benefits

The improved fitness of workers who cycle reduces health-related costs to the economy and employers


Steel yourself for dramatic changes

Fears over Tata Steel highlight a deeper problem in UK manufacturing – a shortage of highly-skilled workers


Our top interviews with... the finance sector

We look back at some of our best interviews with HR professionals working in the finance sector


Employers should embrace sporting events

The majority (82%) of employees believe embracing Euro 2016 matches is good for staff morale


Only 34% of firms have a policy for working carers

Almost two-fifths (38%) of employers said they do not have any policies in place, or plan to develop one


Public sector HR professionals feel valued

The PPMA found that 74% felt their input was valued by leaders, but budgetary constraints are a challenge


Bell curve ranking and overzealous reward policies go into HR Room 101

Derek Wright and Jo Radcliffe banish their most-hated HR policies to Room 101


Graduates expecting £28,362 for their first role

The average graduate starting salary being offered in 2016 is £27,966
