Bek Frith

Younger employees more affected by workplace stress

50% of Gen Y workers reported heightened stress at work, compared with 44% of Gen X and 35% of Baby Boomers


Video: Sandy Begbie on technical expertise in HR

Our new video series explores the views of those on the HR Most Influential rankings


Lack of STEM skills causes firms to compromise hires

58% of firms have compromised on a hire because they couldn't find quality STEM talent in their area


Define 'work' and 'personal' time to avoid burnout

Not separating work and personal time can cause extreme stress and lead to burnouts


Harness the new skills of MBA graduates or risk losing them

Most MBA graduates want to progress with their current employer, but many feel confident to go it alone


Working Families' top 30 employers revealed

Firms including Deloitte, EY, Citi, and American Express made 2016's list


FTSE 350 boards lack technology expertise

Only a minority of FTSE 350 companies have a dedicated digital or technology representative on their board


Employers failing to support mental health issues

Despite mental health issues being commonplace, workplaces are not providing enough support


Men given more 'workplace flexibility' than women

Men said they work an average of six hours per week flexibly, compared to three hours for women


Brexit will cause talent shortages

The professional services industry is most at risk of a shortage of talent


Most employees not satisfied with benefits schemes

Workplace benefits schemes might not be providing what employees want, as many are unsatisfied with the offerings


Employees concerned about personal data security

Employees are most concerned about employers storing their bank details
