Beckett Frith

Most employers intend to offer LISAs and WISAs

LISAs and WISAs look set to become an integral part of workplace savings, but have faced criticism from some


HRD's pocket guide to... event planning

April's pocket guide plans out how all the details of an event come together


Strong start to 2017 for tech jobs

When compared to the first quarter of 2016, IT job postings have increased by 4%


Executives not looking for roles, but open to offers

Most senior workers are too busy to look for a new job, but are open to opportunities offered


Penguin Random House introduces paid work experience

Accommodation support will also be offered to candidates that live outside of London


UK risks low-value, low-skills economy post-Brexit

The CIPD called on the government to make additional skills funding for workplaces a priority


Employees feel pressured to respond to work 24/7

Losing access to emails can cause stress, particularly for younger generations


UK companies failing to capitalise on innovation

Successful innovators were more open to accepting novel ideas and rewarding staff for innvoation


Vince Cable: Post-Brexit Britain not too different

Will forthcoming changes to immigration and trade policies actually be so drastic?


Pay gap reporting and flexible working key to gender equality

A recent survey asked people what they think are the best ways to support gender equality in the workplace


Line managers lack communication skills

Almost a quarter expect their internal communications budget to be cut in the next year
