Wellbeing strategy

Productivity drives increased wellbeing support, employers say

Employers cited increased productivity as the main reason for their wellbeing strategy, research published yesterday (4 June) by the law firm Winckworth Sherwood has revealed.

Half the world will be overweight by 2035

The World Obesity Federation has warned that more than half the world’s population, 4 billion people, will be classed as overweight or obese by 2035, if current trends continue.

Keeping wellbeing simple

If the past two years have taught us anything, it's the importance of wellbeing and our job's role in maintaining our happiness and a healthier physical and mental wellbeing.

Mental health first aiders in the workplace - are they effective?

?The spotlight has been turned on mental wellbeing recently, not least through a world that is working in lockdown. Prior to the coronavirus crisis, many workplaces had begun taking the connect more...

Case study: Three UK's award-winning wellbeing strategy

Three UK’s award-winning wellbeing strategy is based around three pillars to ensure initiatives cover every aspect of employee health