Talent management

Workers unwilling to ask for a raise despite fight for talent

Three in five (61%) UK workers are unhappy with their pay, yet most (55%) have never tried to push for a higher salary.

Complex hiring processes are losing talent

Half (50%) of all UK professionals have declined a job offer because the hiring process was too long.

How to build a culture that supports internal talent development and mobility

It’s safe to say that everyone has experienced some sort of change in their day-to-day job during the last 18 months. Through all of this change, one thing has become starkly apparent – it’s vital to...

HR Excellence Awards 2021: The winners

Last night's (1 December) glittering HR Excellence Awards 2021 ceremony, back as an in-person event after 2020’s virtual ceremony, was a roaring success with the UK's HR professionals.

Skills gap risks locking young people out of jobs

A surge in the number of young people in full-time education has slashed the number looking for work and is leaving them without the skills to join the workforce, according to a new study.

HR's role in strategic succession planning

With greater scrutiny on how organisations are governed and led, now is the time for HR to take charge on succession planning

How the ‘Amazon experience’ can transform talent management

Our lives are increasingly lived online, but how can HR harness the ‘Amazon experience’ in the workplace?

Why you need to ditch the nine-box grid

Many are rejecting the nine-box grid and rolling out more flexible, bespoke talent management systems

What do we mean when we talk about talent?

How you define talent can have a major impact on your organisation

The advantages of workforce management

It’s no secret: employees are expensive. The Human Capital Management Institute calculated the sum of employee salaries, hourly wages, overtime and indirect compensation at 70% of an organisation’s...