Office planning

Watch: How HR can embrace the future of work

How can HR professionals create an optimistic environment where employees embrace the future of work? This was the topic of discussion for our expert panel during the latest HR Lunchtime Debate, in...

Working from home – are your employees’ home offices fit for purpose?

Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, many of my employer clients have opened new offices, from Sussex to Scotland and further afield in sunnier, overseas locations, such as France, Italy and New...

Workspaces failing needs of neurodiverse employees

Office designs are failing workers with neurodiverse needs by not accommodating for their differing sensory needs.

HR teams still developing post-pandemic workplace strategies

Though the UK is now gradually lifting lockdown restrictions and, in some areas, encouraging staff to return to the office, 70% of organisations are still developing a post-pandemic workplace...

Hybrid workplaces risk creating a two-tier structure

There is a 50/50 split between UK employees offered full-time hybrid working options (48%) and those who haven't (52%), according to a LinkedIn poll run by HR magazine.

Return to the office could be bad for mental health

A quarter (24%) of UK office workers believe physically returning to the workplace may impact their mental health in a negative way.

Employers need to change ‘outdated’ office-centric mentalities

Employers with an office-centric mentality must adapt and move away from outdated ways of working, says Alexia Cambon, research director at Gartner HR.

Most work in unpleasant environments

The majority of employees (83%) feel that their office environment is 'unpleasant' , citing poor temperatures, poor ventilation and lack of natural light