Line managers

How to support managers in a restructure

When HR leaders are guiding organisations through a restructure, they must not neglect line manager support.

CIPD Wellbeing at Work Conference: What you missed

The HR magazine team headed to the CIPD’s Wellbeing at Work Conference to round up the hottest topics in wellbeing.

Most UK managers feel unable to offer adjustments for cancer

Under half (47%) of line managers said they would be able to offer support to colleagues with cancer with reasonable adjustments in their workplace, according to a new study exclusive to HR magazine.

Line managers stop employees speaking up, study finds

When employees see something not right or not working, one in six (17%) think their line manager stops them from speaking up, according to a new study.

Remote staff taking more mental health leave than those on-site

Remote workers are more likely to take time off for mental health related reasons than employees who work on-site.

Is HR forcing people into management?

While management is often the logical next step for workers in terms of career progression, not everybody may be cut out for the job.

HR's efforts to boost wellbeing could be failing its people

A worrying 41% of employees suffer from stress and burnout, despite 44% of HR workers believing that their staff are faring well mentally, according to Caba, the charity which supports ICAEW...

Incidental managers could be contributing to the Great Resignation

The saying goes that people don't leave bad jobs, only bad managers, and a lack of proper training could be costing organisations.

The difference between checking in and micromanagement

Checking in on employee wellbeing has become crucial since the pandemic. But, from over-eager managers to intrusive leaders, where does the line between checking in and micromanagement lie?

Long Covid impacting half of UK organisations

Nearly half (46%) of UK organisations have employees who have experienced long Covid in the past year, but the poorly understood nature of the condition may be preventing employees accessing the help...

Lack of in-person catch-ups driving workers to quit

Two thirds of white-collar workers are forecast to leave their jobs this year due to a lack of face-to-face communication with managers, as a result of working from home.

Building HR with a can-do attitude: Joe Dent, Princes

HR hadn’t always had a seat on Princes’ board but when COVID hit, all that changed. As a result, a business that was “difficult to love” has become an employer of the year, with HR at its heart, finds...