
Skilled worker sponsors face licence crackdown

The number of skilled worker sponsor licence suspensions and revocations has markedly increased in the first quarter of 2024, according to data from the Office for National Statistics (13 June).

SNP manifesto: What HR needs to know

The Scottish National Party (SNP) released its manifesto yesterday (19 June 2024) ahead of the UK general election on 4 July. The SNP manifesto highlights workers’ rights, tax and immigration.

Reform UK’s manifesto: What HR needs to know 

The Reform UK party has released its manifesto – which it calls a "contract" – ahead of the general election. It focuses on immigration, tax, employment rights, DEI and small-to-medium enterprises...

Sunak’s visa plans will damage labour market, say experts

Prime minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the number of visas available to migrants would be reduced each year if the Conservatives win the election.

UK work immigration changes: What HR needs to know

UK employers face major measures designed to stem a post-Covid-19-pandemic spike in immigration. Here is a whistlestop summary of major changes that HR teams should know about, and the ways to...

Sonographer made to do menial work wins £33,000 in racism tribunal

A sonographer from Nigeria who was forced to carry out cleaning duties despite her medical role was a victim of racial harassment and constructive dismissal, a tribunal has found.

New migration rules will worsen labour shortages

Measures set by government designed to cut migration are likely to exacerbate labour shortages, particularly in the care and hospitality sectors, according to experts.

Immigration price hike hits employers

The UK government’s visa price hike has come into force today (4 October) leaving workers and employers with a much larger bill.

HR employment considerations when facing an M&A deal

This year has been challenging for dealmakers given declining deal volume. However, forecasters predict that deal flow could soon open up leading to an uptick in activity in mergers and acquisitions...

UK immigration system reform and fees set to impact employers

Government plans to reform the UK immigration system, including increases to the cost of work visas, have been condemned due to concerns about the impact on the UK’s competition for global talent. 

Key HR strategies for managing immigration

Immigration will, it seems, always be at or near the top of any government’s list of national concerns. For this reason, the UK’s system of managed migration is often the subject of review, redesign...

Post-Brexit restrictions failing to plug low skilled vacancy gap

Post-Brexit restrictions on hiring migrant workers have not led to employers investing more in the recruitment and training of UK workers for low-skilled jobs.