Hr business partner

Why we need a new model for HR: part 2, outlining HR 3.0

In the final part of the first instalment of this series, I left readers to ponder three things, one of which being a departure from three verticals in the existing dominant business partner model.

Why we need a new model for HR: part two

Organisational design

In the final part of the first instalment of this serialisation, I left readers to ponder three things, one of which being a departure from three verticals in the existing dominant business partner...


Why we need a new model for HR, an introduction

Wherever I turn, whoever I speak to in HR roles (be they in talent acquisition right through to organisation development, change and engagement work) I see and hear the same thing: We’ve never been...

HR one of the happiest jobs in the UK

HR jobs have been found to be among the happiest and best paid roles in the UK.

Catch up: What will the role of an HR professional look like in 2030?

In the latest HR Lunchtime Debate in partnership with Sage, Perry Timms, Kathryn Herrington, Mark Duggan and Jo Gallacher discussed the future of the HR profession.

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Defining OD: What is it and is HR doing enough?

Confusion abounds about what organisational development is, who should be doing it, and why

Is the Ulrich model still valid?

Professor Ulrich's HR model still divides opinion 20 years after first making its mark

The business partner model: 10 years on - Lessons learned


Dave Ulrich's business partner model was launched to great acclaim in 1997 in the book, Human Resource Champions. Here, Ulrich and Wayne Brockbank, fellow Ross School of Business professor at the...