Health and safety

UNLEASH 2019: Engagement and leadership at the World Food Programme

World Food Programme speakers explained how they engage staff operating in some of the most challenging environments

Gautier: Clearly define bullying to stop it

Having a clear definition of workplace bullying can help prevent it, according to chartered psychologist and academic Chantal Gautier

Handling severe allergies in the workplace

With a rise in prevalence of severe food allergies in the UK, how can employers make their workplaces more allergy-friendly?

Employees won't discuss fatigue in the workplace

The majority (86%) of workers don’t feel confident speaking with their line manager about fatigue, according to Westfield Health

IVF: Dos and don’ts for employers

The number of women having children in their forties has more than quadrupled in the last 30 years. Many now turn to in vitro fertilisation (IVF) to start families later in life. Often they are at a...

Absence: How does it affect the workplace and what can employers do about it?

Figures vary on the price tag of staff absence but, based on an average salary of £25,000 a year, UK employers are left with an annual bill of at least £32 billion, although some estimations put it...