
What should HR expect from government's future of work review?

HR software

The UK government has announced plans to conduct a review into the future of work led by MP Matt Warman.

Employment Bill snub in Queen's speech leaves workers' rights in limbo

The long-awaited Employment Bill will not form part of the Queen's Speech, leaving working standards at a crossroads.

Extra bank holiday could give HR contract conundrum

The addition of an extra bank holiday to the calendar could create a sticking point between employers and employees.

Redundancies on horizon for nearly a fifth of employers

Almost one in five (18%) employers plan to let staff go in the next year according to new research from Acas.

Rise in redundancies could have long-lasting consequences, HR warned

Planned redundancies increased by 103% at the start of 2022, posing a risk to company reputation.

Employment Bill delay detrimental to worker's rights

The government’s rumoured decision to scrap the Employment Bill from the Queen’s Speech in May has been met with derision by the HR community.

Freelancers plugging skills gaps rather than permanent hires

HR directors across the UK are looking to plug the skills gap with freelancers and contractors rather than permanent hires.

P&O scandal adds new fire to Employment Bill demand

A collection of unions headed by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) have urged business secretary Kwasi Kwarteng to say when the update to the UK's Employment Bill, first promised in 2019, will be put on...

Labour market stays strong, but concerns rise over growing inactivity

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) Labour Force Survey data for August to October this year shows that the labour market remains tight as employment increased and unemployment decreased over the...

12 months of 2021: June

It was another year of turbulence for people professionals. Our 12 Days of Christmas countdown reviews what made the headlines in 2021.

Disabled employment back on track to pre-pandemic levels

The proportion of disabled people in work has risen to pre-pandemic levels, having dipped during COVID-19.

Ex-offenders a “massive untapped resource” in talent crisis

Employers are losing out on a huge talent pool by not considering people with criminal records for employment.