Climate change

12 months of 2019: September

It's been an eventful year for HR-related issues hitting the headlines. Our 12 Days of Christmas countdown revisits each month's most notable happenings

Staff think employers aren't doing enough on climate change

As employers face mounting pressure to tackle the climate emergency, workers think organisations should be doing more

Staff want employers to declare a climate emergency

Research finds firms could lose talent if they don't address environmental concerns, as a separate study calls for the working week to be shortened to cut emissions

Caroline Lucas: Green New Deal could create thousands of new jobs

Shifting to a green economy would create many jobs, according to MP for Brighton Pavilion and former Green Party leader Caroline Lucas speaking at a New Economics Foundation event

Matthieu Ricard: Altruism a business necessity not luxury

Altruism is the key not just to world peace but also economic success, according to French writer and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard