Reduced absence at Wincanton saves GBP 178 per employee

Wincanton has reduced absence by 10,000 days in the past nine months, thanks to piloting a new management system, and now plans to roll it out across the company.

Since implementing the scheme, provided by Active Health Partners (AHP), the supply chain company reports it has saved £178 per employee.

Wincanton, which employs 30,000 staff over 400 locations, had previously struggled to manage absence and wished to adopt best practice in the area and save costs.

The management system, which was tested on 5,500 employees over 20 sites, means staff must contact a nurse to report their absence rather than a line manager. The nurse will then give the employee medical advice, an estimated return-to-work date and will notify line managers with relevant information.

Relevant data is then collected to enable comprehensive online management reports.

Claire Webber, HR manager for strategic projects at Wincanton, said: "The real-time reports are a benefit as they enable us to identify trends and manage any staffing issues more promptly and effectively. As a result of the service, the average duration of short- term absence fell from seven days to four and the nurse-led approach has been very well received by employees."

In the first eight months of the service, nurses handled 22,000 calls and 90% of staff said their call had been dealt with appropriately.