Brown said: "I believe we have to act urgently with interim proposals to restore people's confidence that MPs are there to serve the public and not themselves."
The prime minister has called for a vote on the overhaul of the expense system to be held next week. The announcement comes following reports the chancellor, Alistair Darling, and the secretary of state for transport, Geoff Hoon, claimed expenses for second homes, while renting out their flats in London. Darling officially lives rent-free at 11 Downing Street.
Home secretary Jacqui Smith also hit the headlines over recent weeks for her husband ‘mistakenly' claiming £10 from expenses for adult films, and £40 for a barbecue - which she has denied.
Brown added: "With these changes I hope the work of MPs can be recognised again for what it is - service to the public."
Prime minister calls for vote on overhaul of MPs' expenses to be held next week
The prime minister, Gordon Brown, has announced proposals to make the system of awarding MPs' expenses simpler - and less generous.