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More than half take work calls 'in bed'

More than half (54%) of UK employees admit to answering a business call from their bed, according to research by business call specialists AlldayPA.

The survey of 1,372 British workers found that 41% have also taken work calls while on holiday. Additionally, 40% have conducted business calls from a pub and 3% claim to have used their phone while on a rollercoaster. Worryingly, 24% say they have answered a work call while on the toilet.

AlldayPA operations manager Gareth Jeffery told HR magazine there are extreme examples, but technology does mean "staff are able to be connected to work 24/7."

"It's clear from this survey that employees are embracing technology to get on top of their jobs," he added. "But there has to be concern about the quality of work being completed over the phone when so many people are taking calls in the middle of social activities.”

Remote workers' line of sight

Separate research by remote communications technology specialists AutoAlert suggests 'not knowing what staff are doing' is the biggest concern managers have about remote workers.

The survey of managers from 100 employers found that 30% saw this as their main concern. This is followed by 'chasing people to get work done' (25%) and having to make more phone calls (20%).

Nine percent said they were concerned about the increase in stress and anxiety caused by remote working.