Speaking in the closing keynote session of the CIPD Conference and Exhibition in Manchester Steve Easterbrook (pictured), president and CEO of McDonald's UK added: "Organisations must always have a detailed understand of the corporate values in their performance. If an organisation knows its values the answers it gives will be ethically sustainable.
"The future of leadership will involve managing diverse teams and breaking down silos and I expect HR directors to be fully integrated and engaged in the development and implementation of this strategy.
"Employers will have to stick to a clear vision and clear business plans for the future. The creation of the leaders of the future will be in the hands of HR."
And Sir Christopher Kelly, chairman of the Committee on Standards in Public Life, the National Society for the Provention of Cruelty to Children and the Financial Ombudsman Service, said: "The qualities of leadership are similar in most sectors. But those who are ethical and trustworthy are more likely to be listened to.
"In the new economic paradigm leaders have to be ensure values are embedded to impose ethical standards."
Shaa Wasmund, serial entrepreneur behinf www.mykindaplace.com and Smarta.com, added: "Today everything is about dialogue. Old school thinking was a monalogue with stakeholders but we can never return to where we used to be. This is where the role of HR becomes increasingly important.
"Leading can only happen if you come from a consistent place. HR has a role in filtering the message of leadership into organisations - it is the start of a new journey."
But she added: "I hope we may see a few more women leaders - we have to open the gates so they feel more comfortable."