The judges sifted through a plethora of entries to narrow them down to 42 entries representing 21 private companies and 16 public and third sector organisations. These were deemed the most excellent examples of HR practice in the past year.
The short-listed companies are listed below. The winners of each of these categories will be announced at a gala dinner on 30 June at the London Hilton on Park Lane, together with the HR Director of the Year ( sponsored by Digby Morgan, Most People Focused CEO of the Year ( and Best HR Strategy in a Company under 250 Employees. HR will also announce the overall Gold Award - the best of the best.
For more details and to book your place, please contact Alessandra Zorzato on 020 8267 4161 or
Best Talent Management Strategy
Sponsored by Cedar Talent Management
Barratt Developments - Best talent management strategy
McDonald's Restaurants - Women's leadership development programme
Solaglas Windowcare - Developing tomorrow's managers
Zenith Optimedia - Talent strategy
Most Successful Change Management Project
BUPA - Our journey of self discovery
East Sussex County Council - The PSU new service offer
Kerrygold - Embracing change
NHS Lothian - Lean in Lothian programme of process improvement
Safestore - Creating the UK's no 1 self storage company
Most Effective Benefits Strategy
Sponsored by Ceridian
Ladbrokes - Club Ladbrokes
Most Compelling Motivation Scheme
Asda - Asda Instant Reward Cards
Ladbrokes - Football Frenzy
Most Effective Use of Internal Communications
Action for Children - From NCH to Action for Children: engaging our internal audiences in our rebrand
BAE Systems - Integrated working teams
Cambridgeshire County Council - Engaging employees with Investors in People
Northern Rail - Our internal communications strategy
Most Effective Recruitment and Retention
Centrica - Centrica recruitment insourcing
Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust - Recruitment and retention
Best Learning and Development Strategy
Howden Group - Howden Academy
McDonald's Restaurants - McDonald's learning and development strategy
Health and Wellbeing Award
East Sussex County Council - Health and wellbeing
Metropolitan Police Service - Shrinking clouds
Most Innovative use of Technology
Asda - Pioneering online psychometrics
Croydon Council - Revolutionises its HR service provision
McDonald's Restaurants - Online orientation
Patersons - HR solution
Best Public Sector HR Strategy or Initiative
Cambridgeshire County Council - Engaging Employees with Investors in People
DSTL (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory) - facilitating strategic change
Department for Children, Schools and Families - How HR can help tackle child poverty
National Offender Management Service (formerly HM Prison Service) - Our people strategy
Best Third Sector Strategy or Initiative
Broadway - Real people
The Learning Trust - People management strategy
Best Use of CSR in HR
BAE Systems - Submarine solutions our responsibilities
The Midcounties Co-operative - Best use of CSR in HR
Norwich Union - Putting people at the heart of CSR
Outstanding Employee Engagement Strategy
Birmingham City Council - Employee engagement programme: Birmingham BEST
Grey - OPEN - Building and implementing a best practice employee engagement strategy
Mouchel - Recommending Mouchel to the world
Royal College of Nursing - Dignity at work initiative
TGI Friday's UK - Fridoids