According to research released today, employees in India (68%) report the highest ratings of managerial effectiveness, followed by those in Brazil (61%), the US (60%), Russia and the Gulf countries (57%), Canada (56%), China (53%), Germany (51%), the UK (50%) Spain (46%), Italy (44%) and Japan (43%). Workers in France (41%) reported the lowest ratings.
The report, by the Kenexa Research Institute, based on responses from more than 22,000 employees in 18 countries, shows that a ‘good manager' has a significant impact on the engagement levels of those workers on their teams and on their overall perception of the company.
Employees' evaluations of their manager are driven by the extent to which the manager displays the fundamentals of managerial competence: doing a good job at managing the team's work and the team itself; and being perceived as a leader.
Employees in the UK define a ‘good manager' as someone who keeps his/her commitments, evaluates employees' performance fairly, makes use of employees' ideas, quickly solves problems and practises open, two-way communication.
Jack Wiley, executive director at the Kenexa Research Institute, said: "Effective managers are respectful, considerate and fair. They are also good organisers who can clearly communicate work expectations and provide feedback.
"While this is easy to grasp conceptually, many managers struggle with implementation but for those who get it, there are considerable benefits."