Construction industry needs boost for Olympics

<p>Employment in the construction industry will need to rise by 7% if building work for the 2012 Olympic Games is to be completed in time, according to a new report. </p> <p>The Construction Skills Network has calculated that the industry will need to recruit an extra 88,400 new workers every year until 2012. Professional and technical staff, such as civil and mechanical engineers, will be in most demand.</p> <p>It is essential we work with employers and training providers to put in place the right practical, on-site training that will help local people get the skills they need to fill local job vacancies, says Sir Michael Latham, Chairman of the Construction Skills Network. </p> <p>The Olympic build programme is a beacon for best practice ConstructionSkills is investing millions of pounds over the next five years as part of its commitment to deliver the skills and training needed for a successful Olympic build.</p>

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