The manifesto calls on employers to develop managers and leaders in organisations and create a culture where competence and accountability are priorities.
The call comes after CMI research found 68% of managers admitted to being ‘accidental managers', not aspiring to a management career. It found 50% of staff thought they could do a better job of managing than their current line manager. An almost identical number (49%) said they would rather take a pay cut if it meant working with a better manager.
Ruth Spellman, chief executive of the CMI (pictured), said: "There is a crisis of confidence in UK management. Bad management is taking an enormous toll on the UK economy and people's wellbeing."
She added: "In what other profession would it be acceptable for only a quarter of practitioners to hold a professional qualification? The sad truth is that UK managers are no longer regarded as professional, competent or accountable. By signing up to the manifesto, policy makers, managers and leaders can demonstrate their commitment to raising UK plc's game."
Companies already signed up to the manifesto include PricewaterhouseCoopers and the RSPCA.