The majority of the new jobs will become available in May and June this year and will be open to long-term unemployed young people guaranteeing training and employment for six months.
The news comes as unemployment figures from the Office for National Statistics found people aged between 18 and 24 are three times more likely to be unemployed than older people.
The National Skills Academy has worked with employers to ensure that most of these jobs will lead to long-term careers in the sector.
Florence Orban, CEO of the National Skills Academy for Sport and Active Leisure, said: "Our aim is to revolutionise our industry by staffing it with the best people with the best skills and training. There is a huge, untapped talent pool of young, enthusiastic people who just need a chance - a foot in the door - and that is exactly what they will get with the programme. The successful candidates will be those who want to learn and want to make a real contribution to their employer, industry and community."
Gerry Sutcliffe, minister for sport, added: "It's a tough job market out there for young people but the Future Jobs Fund is helping to place thousands in the vibrant sport and leisure sector. It's fantastic that the National Skills Academy has been successful with its latest bid to the fund. We want to create a world-class sport system in this country in the run up to hosting the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games and this will give many young people the chance to be a part of that."
Some of the employers who will be offering jobs through the Future Jobs Fund include Premier Sport, Fit for Sport, The Amateur Swimming Association and Transforming A Generation (TAG).
Partners who have supported the National Skills Academy's bid include SkillsActive, Sport England, Sports Coach UK, Sports Leaders UK and a large number of community sports organisations.