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BT to work with Business in the Community on improved work placements for young people

BT could help more than 10,000 young people into work through new initiatives to ensure that those in employment receive certification through work training schemes.

The company is working closely with other employers and Business in the Community (BiTC) on a new initiative, Work Inspiration. This scheme will see approximately 3,000 young people gain improved work placements with BT. These placements will provide these people with an insight into the world of work and help them decide which career they want to pursue.

BT has also launched a new training programme that will see more than 7,200 of its contact-centre employees undertake accredited learning and receive an apprenticeship certificate.

This training programme is in addition to BT's apprenticeship scheme, which sees hundreds of young people recruited every year. As a result BT the new programme will become one of the top five private sector providers of Apprenticeship Frameworks.

Sir Michael Rake, BT chairman, said: "We are very keen that young people have the chance to spend time with BT before they embark on their careers. Work placements can help young people decide where their future lies and so this improved scheme has our full support. We are also keen that our employees receive training and so can gain apprenticeship qualifications.

"We do this because it is good for our business, it is good for our employees and it is good for young people. We are proud to be a Work Inspiration employer and proud to support Backing Young Britain."