· Features

Up Front: Voice from the floor psychometric testing

Employees see psychometric tests as an annoying part of the selection process, but one they have to put up with, according to research produced for Human Resources magazine. Some 62% of a poll of almost 2,000 staff said they were aware of the technique, but while 30% of these were not in favour of them, 77% said having to sit a psychometric test would not make a difference to them applying for a position. Only 19% said that knowing they would have to take such a test would make them less likely to apply. Interestingly, those living in London were least likely to want to be assessed (22%), while those in the South West were the most accommodating. Most people agreed that the tests were accurate: 69% said they were either fairly or somewhat accurate; 27% that they were inaccurate. See psychometrics feature, p50.

Were you aware that psychometric testing is used by employers to assesscandidates' suitability for jobs?

38% were not aware

62% were aware

If you were looking for a new job and found a position that interestedyou but involved sitting a psychometric test, would that make you moreor less likely to apply?

19% less likely to apply

4% more likely to apply

For 77% it would make no difference

Survey conducted via Harris Interactive Online Panel 24-29 January. Thesample of 1,952 people represents all 1,952 GB adults aged 16+. For moreinformation contact Kate Offord: email kofford@harrisinteractive.com oribarrow@harrisinteractive.com. Member of The British Polling Council:www.britishpollingcouncil.org.