Simple, good team work - everyone's responsibility and everyone's reward

Margerison-McCann Team Management Systems is a unique suite of single and multi-rater Profiling tools that share a common conceptual framework to give you multiple, complementary perspectives on individual performance and high energy team working.


Each Profile offers a unique view on a person or situation at work and has a powerful visual model and simple language to bring it to life. Profiles are only available to learning & development professionals accredited through one of our authorised open, fast-track or in-company programmes.

The Profiles may be used singly, in different combinations, or with other tools to illuminate a wide range of situations with all kinds of teams and provide an important first step to personal and team development.

  • High face validity 
  • Simple straightforward language 
  • Clearly presented data
  • Positive, actionable feedback 
  • Detailed full colour bound 16- to 33-page Profile with accompanying Guide 
  • We-do-everything bureau service 
  • In-house software option with free phone support 
  • Independent British Psychological Society reviews available on each Profile 
  • Extensive global norms database 
  • Easy access to comparative data 
  • Ongoing research at own research institute


Team Management Profile

An extensively researched and proven psychometric tool that shows how personal development is the critical first step to high performance teamworking. A 4,500 word report looks at where your motivation lies, how you can best contribute to team success and how you are likely to lead, manage and link with others who may have different perspectives on the world of work. It can be used with team members, managers and leaders, but is at its most powerful when used to build and sustain high energy teams.

Opportunity Orientation Profile (QO2®)

The Opportunity Orientation Profile (QO2®) is a unique tool that measures the balance of energy that you put into seeing the opportunities or obstacles at work and how you approach risk and ambiguity. A 15-page full colour personalised report shows how you see and respond to new situations and inevitable changes. Explore how you solve problems and how easily you sustain goal-focused energy.

Linking Skills Profile

Linking skills are a central part of the Team Management Systems approach, essential to high performance working. The 17- to 33-page Profile is a carefully researched multi-rater tool that clearly identifies your performance in fundamental people, task and leadership related skills. It explores the extent to which you should and do demonstrate the key behaviours for each linking skill.

Team Performance Profile

A rich 360 degree 5,500 word Profile that uses a researched model of effectiveness to give you a vivid snapshot in time of perceived team performance. Individuals rank the importance of task areas and indicate how well they think the team is doing in each. You can invite others who interact with the team to add their views, building full and in-depth 360 degree feedback.

Window on Work Values Profile

Values drive our decisions and determine our behaviour. For teamwork to be effective, it is critical that we understand what each person's working values are because these can influence our motivation and the way we approach our work. The Window on Work Values Profiling system offers important insights into how things actually get done in your organisation, helping you gain a better understanding of how you operate with others and how well you fit with the culture of your work environment.




TMS Development International Ltd

128 Holgate Road, York, UK, YO24 4FL
Tel:    +44 (0)1904 641640
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