Hot topic: Work rotas at Christmas

While many prepare for holiday celebrations, thousands of employees in hospitality, catering, social care and the NHS, among others, will work on bank holidays

Could better HR save the NHS?

Doctor turned author adam kay tells HR magazine about the unique challenges facing NHS staff and their employers, and offers some solutions

Switching off an ‘always-on’ culture

For a full ‘right to disconnect’ approach to emails to work it must become part of UK law

Supporting employees suffering domestic abuse

Employers can't solve the issue of domestic violence alone but they can spot the signs of employees who are suffering and create safe spaces where people can speak up

HR magazine tries… A personal resilience retreat

Jenny Roper tests getting away from it all for a weekend learning about the science of mindfulness

Staff cancelling doctor's appointments for work

Access to digital healthcare services could help staff balance work and their wellbeing, but experts warn that ill health is often related to workplace stress and emphasise the importance of allowing...

Mindfulness misused as a 'quick fix' for workplace stress

Workplace mindfulness could be doing more harm than good, according to research from Durham University Business School

Employers must support working carers

A high proportion of workers act as informal carers to their loved ones and yet are missing out on much-needed support in the workplace

CIPD annual conference round-up: Day two

What the HR magazine team learned on day two of the CIPD Annual Conference and Exhibition

Winter wellbeing: Top tips for supporting employees

Employers must be aware that this time of year can present wellbeing challenges including financial pressures, burnout due to extra socialising, and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Fertility support should be a statutory right, say HRs

Research shows that HR professionals recognise the value of fertility support in the workplace, but employees feel that this is lacking

HR must remember its purpose to avoid burnout

At the UNLEASH World conference a panel of HR professionals shared tips for maintaining wellbeing in a challenging role