Vince Cable: Young people's mental health is a "massive issue"

Speaking at the Mad World summit, the leader of the Liberal Democrats and former business secretary said he was concerned about the pressures younger generations face at work

Flexible workers battle 'work from home' stigma

Almost half (46%) of UK employees feel the need to combat a perception that working from home is less productive than being in the office, according to LogMeIn

Employees won't discuss fatigue in the workplace

The majority (86%) of workers don’t feel confident speaking with their line manager about fatigue, according to Westfield Health

One in eight pressured to compromise ethical standards

One in eight (12%) UK employees have felt pressure to compromise their organisation’s ethical standards, according to the Institute of Business Ethics (IBE)?

Half have experienced poor mental health in current job

Mind launches Mental Health at Work gateway for employees and employers as research finds poor mental health at work is widespread

Firms failing to protect staff from pension scams

Cost, employee engagement, and expertise are holding employers back from providing financial guidance for employees, despite awareness of its importance

Two-thirds of women experience imposter syndrome

Receiving criticism, having to ask for help, and colleagues using technical jargon cause imposter syndrome among female employees

Workers doing nothing to relieve stress

Time and money cited as obstacles to employees relieving work-related stress

Harnessing positive stress: Lessons from the England football team

The latest research into stress shows that positive stress can be trained and developed in individuals

Bishop: Confidence "an everyday challenge” for women

The Olympic medallist explained how focusing on everyday beliefs and what’s possible can build confidence

Swart: Leadership emotional intelligence takes practice

HR should explain the neuroscience behind improving different cognitive capacities to persuade leaders to adopt healthier habits

Workers suffering in silence with stress

UK employees are more likely to use their own methods to cope with stress rather than ask for help, according to research