Job design needs a health-check: Part 2

If there is an EAP, wellbeing courses and gym discounts in place but employees are still feeling low – it might be time to look at job design instead, finds Alison Carter and Sally Wilson

Job design needs a health-check: Part 1

If there is an EAP, wellbeing courses and gym discounts in place but employees are still feeling low – it might be time to look at job design instead, finds Alison Carter and Sally Wilson

UK employees afraid to admit mental health problems at work

A huge proportion of UK employees are suffering from depression or anxiety, yet few would admit it to their employer even when taking time off to deal with it, according to research.

Employee mental health on the up for 2023

Nearly three quarters (70%) of employers believe employee mental health will improve in 2023, according to research from Koa Health.

Addressing employee expectations of mental health support

When looking at the Covid pandemic through an HR lens, other than an increased sense of camaraderie, it can be challenging to think of an upside.

Domestic abuse: what are your responsibilities as an employer?

According to The Office for National Statistics (ONS), the number of domestic abuse related crimes registered with the police in England and Wales rose by 6% to a staggering 845,734 in the last year...

UK loses 17 million working days to stress, depression and anxiety

The UK lost 17 million working days to work-related stress, depression or anxiety in the year 2021 to 2022 according to the latest data from the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Should HRDs call time on workplace booze culture?

Women in the armed forces have been threatened with disciplinary action and told to stop “sleeping around” after they reported sexual abuse according to a recent investigation by The Times.

The important role of HR as an instiller of joy

The role of HR is the most critical role in organisations today. While people leadership and management are a shared responsibility with peers, the main custodian of the people agenda, the translation...

Third of businesses investing in men's mental health

UK businesses have invested more money in men's mental health over the last 12 months, according to research from Peppy Health.

HR is not your therapist – but it needs one

This week I woke up tired. Nothing unusual for me, I have a toddler who until recently had obstructive sleep apnoea, so sleep has been a non-event for some time. This Monday, however, it felt...

What to do if you notice bullying in the workplace

In my time at private schools, I was bullied, beaten and publicly shamed by both a headmaster and later by other boys.