Rolling with the recession: how HR can succeed

The twists and turns of a recession can be unpredictable, yet with the right preparation it’s another chance for HR to show its colours.

How to avoid dependent relationships at work

Do people keep coming back to you with endless questions? Is your to-do list mostly made up of things other people should be doing? Do people rely on you to solve their problems? Perhaps you are in a...

Learning iconography: making the complex, simple and memorable

Fourteen years ago, I went to see Richard Olivier deliver one of his Shakespeare Mythodrama sessions in a small hotel in Edinburgh. My then boss called me the week before and said, “I’ve booked us...

Eight coaching skills every HR leader should master

Good leaders are good coaches. HR leaders are on the frontline of guiding, inspiring and encouraging people to perform and change. By effective coaching of those around them, they become game...

How new prime minister Liz Truss can build a healthy culture when taking over a divided team

Stepping into a high profile role and inheriting a fractured team can be testing for any leader – but as Liz Truss picks up the prime ministerial reins this week, she faces a monumental challenge.

HR lacks confidence in managers’ conversation skills

HR leaders lack confidence in managers’ ability to talk informally with employees about subjects like wellbeing or flexible working arrangements, according to new research.

Benevolent sexism in the workplace – what it is and its impact on women

A well-meaning CEO admitted recently in conversation that he ruled a woman executive out of the running for a more senior role. The job required a move abroad and the CEO felt it might be too much for...

The impact of perceptions and stereotypes on women’s performance

A new study from King’s College suggests that stereotypes around women’s ability to play chess may explain why they underperform when competing against men. Move away from the world of chess to the...

HR needs to focus on people intelligence – here's why

In a world order that seems to resist simplification with a myriad of huge, complex and interconnected challenges, declaring one most important issue to focus on may seem like something more elusive...

Lessons from the C-suite: Jan Tragelles, CEO, Revitalise

The CEO of Revitalise Respite Holidays discusses how dyslexia is her superpower, the talent crisis and her top tips for being a great leader.

What makes a successful chief diversity officer?

Despite Conservative MP Jacob Rees-Mogg recently branding diversity officers as "a job creation scheme by the woke, for the woke", there is no doubt that there has been a significant increase in the...

Reflection – the difference between leaders and managers

The APA Dictionary of Psychology defines reflection as the "examination, contemplation, and analysis of one’s thoughts, feelings, and actions". It is a creative process that enables people to get to...