Impression management: the silent culprit in our mental health crisis

Data speaks volumes, and it all points to the significant mental health crisis that looms over our workplaces and society at large.

Why the NHS's 'fit and proper person test' should be an industry standard

On 30 September the NHS rolled out its 'fit and proper person test' (FPPT) framework for vetting top-level executive and non-executive directors.

Reinventing the big screen: Dee Vassili, chief people officer, Vue

Despite the huge impact the pandemic lockdowns had on the cinema market, Vue has been able to continue growing – and people policies have been a key part of that. BEAU JACKSON finds out more

How to coach a royal CEO

For some senior leaders, this could be the role of a lifetime. The Prince and Princess of Wales are advertising for a CEO to join the team at Kensington Palace, symbolising an era of change for the...

Organisational safety means facing unwelcome truths

It is perhaps easy with hindsight after a tragedy to see where individuals and organisations failed to apply due diligence, openness and a willingness to listen and instead took a ‘protectionist’...

Support hidden health conditions to combat soaring absence

Managers must help employees with hidden health conditions come forward for support – before they become too sick to work.

Not everyone wants to become a manager – that’s a good thing

Many hope to develop their careers by honing a specialism they’re most passionate about. But with an often impermeable perception that management experience is the sole route to progression, these...

Speak up: HR's responsibility to address domestic abuse in the workplace

She comes into work quiet and withdrawn. She’s wearing a blue and white striped top with long sleeves and a grey scarf around her neck.

Best of HR books: August 2023

The latest book releases for HR.

HR needs to stop feeling the need to be superheroes

HR has changed almost unrecognisably in the 20 years since I started my career.

Lessons from the C-suite: Sheila Flavell, FDM Group

Sheila Flavell, COO of FDM Group talks about her passion for flying, fighting the gender pay gap and inclusion.

Half of C-suite execs don’t know how to use HR effectively

Half (50%) of C-suite executives admit they don’t know how to use their HR team as effectively and strategically as they would like to, according to research from HR software provider Personio.