As HR magazine reaches its milestone 25th birthday its editors reflect on the industry during their tenures
HR magazine speaks to the future leaders of the function on what they think will shape it
Marks and Spencer HR director Tanith Dodge has left after eight years to join Value Retail
Dave Ulrich, Rensis Likert professor at the University of Michigan, discusses the issues facing HR
We look back at some of our best interviews with HR professionals working in the transport industry
In our new series of videos Dave Ulrich looks at what drives business performance and how HR can help
It's HR's job to create the conditions for innovation and collaboration to flourish, says ARM's EVP people
We look back at some of our interviews with HR professionals working in the 3rd sector
We look back at some of our best interviews with HR professionals working for high street brands
We look back at some of our best interviews with HR professionals at restaurant chains
Retaining creativity and innovation at a global firm like Merlin Entertainments isn’t just fun, it’s business critical
Changes in university funding and fees have rocked the higher education sector, but the University of Sheffield is moving with the times