Getting on board as an NED

While the supply of HR directors looking for NED roles still outstrips demand, the tide is slowly turning

Why you should train the board

Taking on the role of director puts one in a highly visible, but also vulnerable, position. It’s one which can lead to an enhanced reputation or a ruined one, both for individuals and the companies...


Executive L&D crucial to business success

Resource constraints, short-term focus and limited C-level buy-in could be holding executive L&D back

Richard Hytner: The HRD has the best role in the business

Richard Hytner explains why being an alpha in business isn't everything

The new CEO and the HR director

Five key areas where a modern HR director can help the new boss get it right from the start

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School for CEOs

Pat Wright: Why C-suite hires go bad

Given that so many C-suite hires go badly, it's important to understand what goes wrong in the process

The six types of CEO

Are you stuck with the wrong type of CEO? Or wary of having difficult conversations? CEO confidant Steve Tappin explains how to identify and interact with leaders.

Gap between 'rhetoric and reality' of what CEOs want from HRDs

There is a difference between the qualities CEOs say they want in an HR director and what they actually want

CHROs should demand more investment in HR talent

Have you ever known someone who constantly complains about their condition, yet seems to do nothing to actually change it? They remind me of HR leaders who constantly complain about the lack of talent...

CEO moves leave costly gaps

A lack of comprehensive succession strategy means CEO departures can trigger a cycle of damaging events in organisations, research by consultancy Armstrong Craven has found.

Rob Briner: Spend longer on evidence-based decision-making

HR directors should spend longer making decisions to ensure they are evidence-based, professor of organisational psychology at the University of Bath’s School of Management Rob Briner has said.