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Free ebook celebrates 10 years of HR Most Influential

HR magazine’s HR Most Influential ranking – the definitive annual lists of the HR practitioners and thinkers who have had the greatest influence in the field of people strategy – turns 10 this year.

Public sector HR: A PPMA Rising Star perspective

What do the HR leaders of the future think of HR in the public sector?

The future of public sector HR

Although the public sector has weathered the storm of austerity measures, it's not out of the woods yet. We explore where next for public sector HR

The warnings of 'Why We Hate HR' are worth revisiting

In August 2005 Fast Company magazine published its infamous ‘Why We Hate HR’ article. It’s only with the perspective of time that it’s become clear that this was a tongue-in-cheek response to the...

Employers opposed to Tory volunteering pledge

More than six out of 10 (61%) employers are opposed to the Conservative pledge of paid volunteering leave, according to research from Jelf Employee Benefits.

When it comes to increasing productivity, we’re stronger together

There are many theories on why UK productivity is so poor. However, there is one obvious solution: we need to become better people leaders.

Why I left a large firm to lead a start-up

Although leaving a senior position can be daunting, working life in smaller company or start-up more than makes up for the risk.

Take part in our wellbeing survey

HR magazine and Unum want to know how wellbeing is viewed within your organisations, so we invite you to take part in our short survey.


Guild for HR professionals created

As standards for the HR profession rises up the agenda a formal guild focused on promoting the sector has been created.

Confusing stress and 'burnout' can cause significant harm

Confusing ‘corporate burnout’ with much less serious levels of workplace stress can cause significant harm, according to research by leadership, management and coaching provider Awbery Management.

Meeting the productivity challenge

Here is a conundrum: if economic growth is improving, interest rates remain at a historic low, unemployment is manageable, and inflation is unheard of, then why is UK productivity lagging?

Performance appraisals benefit self-promoting employees

Performance appraisals favour self-promoting employees and unfairly underrate modest workers, according to Brian Kropp, HR practice leader at practice insight and technology company CEB.