Hot seat: the HR role in securing M&A success

Somewhere between 70% and 90% of all mergers and acquisitions (M&A) fail to achieve their strategic and financial objectives. The reasons for this are complex, but the management of people is key to...

Racial equity: What to do when you fear saying the wrong thing

You want to support your black colleagues and build a more just, equitable workplace. But you’re concerned that an inappropriate word will upset or alienate your black colleagues, expose you and your...

Cancel culture is putting dialogue in crisis

There is a crisis in dialogue at the moment, which has seeped from wider society into companies and organisations.

How to support employees with dyslexia

Even a learning need as common as dyslexia, which affects up to one in 10 people in the UK, is frequently misunderstood and stereotyped.

How can HR reintegrate staff post-furlough?

An estimated one million people were still on furlough as the scheme ended today (1 October).

How can businesses create an inclusive culture across different time zones?

In the context of the upheaval and uncertainty during the last 18 months, it’s more important than ever that companies bring their people together.

Lessons on effective communication from air traffic control

There are few careers where communication skills aren’t essential. Communicating is how we agree priorities, provide updates, manage expectations and innovate. But as something we do every day, we’re...

Stay interviews: how to prevent internal talent from flying the coop

Reports of restless and disgruntled employees are soaring, and traditional retention tactics are not cutting it. The trusty exit interview is too little too late; surveys lack the rich detail needed...

KPMG, Apple, BrewDog: How should HR handle a media storm?

Several private companies have found themselves at the eye of their own media storms this year as employees have taken to the press or social media to air concerns about company culture.

Employees prefer to communicate via video calls

Video calling has become the go-to method for conducting meetings during lockdown, but new research by HR magazine finds employees want to continue communicating via video post-pandemic.

Men’s role in interrupting sexism at work

Many of us have experienced or witnessed sexism in the workplace, and may have experienced the deflecting, the eye rolls, the silence in response. Research shows men calling out sexist behaviour may...

Internal comms terminology divides the workforce

Many moons ago the terms “white collar” and “blue collar” were commonly used. But this blatant divide between office and manual workers created a negativity which saw many consider blue collar workers...