Firms failing to train staff on remote working cyber security

?A third (32%) of UK businesses have suffered a data breach due to remote working in the past 12 months, according to research from CybSafe

HR magazine tries... virtual reality

HR magazine editor Jenny Roper tests out some virtual reality training simulations

One in four 'not performing their best'

The number of UK employees who feel they are not performing their best at work is higher than the European average

Education secretary lays out new T-Level plans

The education secretary Damian Hinds? has laid out a series of plans for T-Levels and called for an end to "snobby" attitudes towards vocational and technical courses

L&D departments urged to tackle UK productivity

Managers agree that L&D professionals should be the driving force behind productivity in businesses, according to research by Knowledgepool

Employers urged to tackle the stigma of domestic abuse

Business in the Community (BITC) has renewed calls for employers to do more on domestic abuse, following a double homicide where signs were missed

Apprenticeships vital to tackling future of work challenges

?Over three-quarters (78%) of businesses strongly believe that ‘earn-and-learn training’ can help address future workplace challenges, according to The 5% Club

Over half of BME Brits told to be 'more realistic' about careers

Over half (55%) of ethnic minority people in the UK have been advised to be more realistic about their career goals by those who influenced their career, according to Equality Group

Employers must remove stigma of suicide

Speakers at the inaugural This Can Happen conference shared their advice for workplace suicide prevention and how to respond when the worst happens

How to help accidental managers

You won’t achieve much through your managers if you don’t sharpen their soft skills

Using digital comms better: Top tips

?HR can play a crucial role in supporting staff to better use digital communications, according to Nick Morgan, author of Can You Hear Me? and communication coach

Majority of retail staff have suffered workplace abuse

Two-thirds of UK retail workers have been exposed to violence or aggression in the workplace, according to research from the Suzy Lamplugh Trust