'Grown up' conversations needed around gender pay gap

Frank conversations are needed when addressing gender pay gaps within employers' own businesses, according to PwC head of people Gaenor Bagley

Executive pay: An academic perspective

Ruth Bender, reader in corporate financial strategy at Cranfield University School of Management, on developments in executive pay

The evolution of executive pay

Media and shareholder scrutiny, coupled with regulatory changes, mean executive pay has become increasingly complex

Reward innovative failures that have 'learning outcomes'

Repeated failures in innovation should still be financially rewarded if they contribute to a future hit

HR's role in executive pay

Concerns surrounding executive pay continue to grow. But HR can play a key influencing role

Stephen Bevan: financial rewards don't motivate workers

As top pay comes under scrutiny in annual meetings, it becomes clear that financial incentives aren't the best motivators.

Are RemCos out of touch?

Two experts debate how RemCos can help companies set more realistic levels of executive pay

Female executives earn 22% less than male colleagues in some European countries

Data from Mercer shows the extent to which female executives across Europe are paid less than their male counterparts


Bonus plans play a valuable role in performance

Despite their negative reputation, bonus plans are a valuable way of communicating priorities and targets

HR directors blame high flying male executives for unequal pay

HR directors and managers by Manchester law firm Pannone, found 84% claim unequal pay was a problem in the private sector, with around one quarter of those citing it as 'endemic'

FSA adjusts Remuneration Code governing the pay and bonuses for 2,500 financial organisations

The Financial Services Authority (FSA) has outlined proposed revisions to its Remuneration Code affecting pay in the financial sector.

Where was HR during the bonus fiasco?

The bankers' risk-taking and greedy bonus culture has been soundly condemned by the media. But how far was HR to blame? David Woods investigates what part they played.