Hot topic: Employee monitoring

Barclays and the Daily Telegraph have both faced criticism for installing employee monitoring devices

Long-term focus and meaningful CSR will bring profit

London Business school professor ?Alex Edmans said social purpose and business success can go hand in hand

CEOs prioritising corporate social responsibility

Millennials were found to be particularly drawn to firms with robust CSR strategies

Top tips for choosing a CSR partner

Finding a charity partner can often be unfamiliar, unchartered territory for organisations

Supporting an employee with a premature or unwell baby

Acas has released new guidance for employers on supporting employees who have ill or premature babies

How can business earn society's trust?

When companies play fast and loose with trust they are risking more than a bit of bad publicity

Is the Taylor Review a step in the right direction?

The Taylor Review into modern working practices has divided the business community

Workers don't feel employers are keeping them safe

Workers with dangerous jobs are concerned their employers are not worried about their safety

Business community reacts to Taylor Review

The review's recommendations include the right to request a direct employment contract, reduced tribunal fees and a ‘dependent contractor’ category of worker

The bottom line of business as a force for good

D&I is a strong part of what it is to be a business operating as a force for good

Helping staff cope with the threat of terrorism

Various emergency plans are in place to protect and reassure employees in the wake of recent terrorist attacks

Staff resilience and council austerity: HR lessons from Grenfell

Austerity needs to soften as we are at a crisis point, says PPMA VP