Personal Development

UPDATED: Lessons for HR from CIPD ACE 2022

The HR magazine team headed to Manchester for the CIPD’s annual conference and exhibition (ACE) this week, opened by ITV News political editor Robert Peston. 

People should be HR’s priority, not policy

HR leaders should look to do the right thing for the people in their organisation even if it goes against existing procedures, the audience of the CIPD ACE 2022 was told yesterday (9 November).

BNP Paribas Real Estate appoints joint HR directors

Vicky Ryan and Fiona Biddle have become joint HR directors at property consultancy BNP Paribas Real Estate, so how does a job share in such a demanding role work?

Early-career HR professionals struggling more with mental health

Less experienced HR professionals are struggling more with their mental health than more experienced practitioners, according to research from the CIPD.

How I got here: Nathan Clements, SSP Group

Nathan Clements, chief people officer at foodservice company SSP Group shares his tips for a successful career in HR.

Future leader: Victoria Coombes, Mental Health Concern & Insight IAPT

Victoria Coombes, people business partner and Mental Health Concern and Insight IAPT shares her vision for the future of the HR profession.

HR profession grew four-times faster than UK workforce in past decade

The HR profession has grown by 42% in the past decade (from 2011 and 2021) compared to just 10% for the general workforce according to the CIPD’s latest UK people profession update.

Shrinking HR departments could help profession focus on strengths

Technology may make HR departments smaller, but it will bring people professions back to what they're good at.

Rolling with the recession: how HR can succeed (part two)

The twists and turns of a recession can be unpredictable, yet with the right preparation it’s another chance for HR to show its colours.

Change is in the air for HR

Nearly 50 years ago Sam Cooke first told the world A Change Is Gonna Come. And he wasn’t wrong.

Best of HR books: August 2022

We delve into the new releases to find out what HR has been reading this month.

How I got here: Jay Chowdhury, Vattenfall

Jay Chowdhury, HR director, operations at power company Vattenfall shares her tips for a successful career in HR.
