Substantial changes in the Pensions Schemes Bill

The Pensions Schemes Bill announced in the Queen's Speech is a dam-like release of pent-up pensions issues that need resolving

Queen's Speech: Workers’ rights, pensions and immigration

Government announces commitment to the Good Work Plan, pensions dashboards framework and a new migration system, though it is unclear if any of the 26 bills will become law

Women lose state pension legal battle

Women who were born in the 1950s will not be compensated for the money they missed out on when the state pension age was raised from 60 to 65

Patrick Spencer: State pension age must be raised

A recent proposal to up the state pension age to 75 has been received with concern by employers and think tanks

Employers must be more open about pension savings, say workers

HR should focus on transparency, training and tools when communicating pensions to employees, as new research released during Pension Awareness Week shows employee engagement with pensions continues...

Pensions – why sustainability should be your priority

Put sustainability at the centre of your pension investment policy and you’ll have a happier and more engaged workforce

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Government Spending Review: Further education, police recruitment and NHS training investment announced

As Sajid Javid declares an end to austerity, HR experts take a look at the main announcements affecting the function

Pensions dashboards FAQs

With pensions remaining a confusing landscape to navigate, here's the lowdown on the incoming pensions dashboards

Executive pay: Pensions aren't the point

Focusing on aligning executives' pension contribution levels with the wider workforce will not solve ongoing issues with executive pay

How the new Cabinet may affect HR

We asked experts about what Boris Johnson and his new Cabinet may have in store for apprenticeships, immigration, pensions and skills

Women hardest hit by changes in employment

Caring responsibilities and lack of long-term savings and pensions mean women are more likely to feel the effects of economic insecurity

NHS pensions issue shines spotlight on taxation

A clash between pension taxation policy and NHS working practices has forced the government into a second consultation on the way the Tapered Annual Allowance interacts with public sector pensions
