Pensions top employee priorities, but SMEs prize other benefits

The majority (90%) of UK workers say pension is the most important benefit their employer can offer, but this isn't the same for SMEs.

Pension auto enrolment to be extended to 18-year-olds

A bill to extend pension auto-enrolment to those aged 18 and over and remove a lower earning threshold immediately received Royal Assent after passing its third reading yesterday (18 September).

Average UK worker has £28,000 in unclaimed pensions

In the UK, the average worker has £28,000 in stranded pension pots, according to new research from wealth manager Netwealth.

Most Brits in favour of lowering retirement age

A majority (69%) of UK workers have said the retirement age of 66 should be lowered, according to a new survey from investment comparison site Interesting Reviews.

Millions of low earners could be safely auto-enrolled in pensions

Almost 3 million low earners could afford to be auto enrolled in pensions due to mitigating circumstances, according to a new study by the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA).

Workers in London and east of England save more in pensions than anywhere else in the country

Workers aged over 45 in Greater London and the East of England have over 40% more in retirement savings on average compared with those in the Midlands and the North, according to research from think...

Pension auto-enrolment at 18 supported by young adults

Most young people aged 11 to 27 (86%) support the UK government’s proposal to reduce the age of automatic enrolment from 22 to 18, according to a new study from pensions provider, NOW:Pensions.

Pensions education at work: swotting-up on savings

Pensions have been in the news a lot but do employees understand them? If not, how can employers step in? Dan Cave reports.

The gaping gender gap in pensions

When it comes to pensions and retirement, the options for men and women are far from equal. But with knowledge and action, it’s possible for employers to make a significant difference.

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How can HR support the millions delaying retirement?

According to data from Opinium Research, compiled on behalf of Legal & General, 2.5 million pre-retirees will have to delay retirement because of the economic downturn, with 1.7 million expected to...

A fifth of private sector workers are not saving for pensions

Economics research institute The Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) has reported almost a fifth of working-age private sector employees (around 3.5 million people) do not do any pension saving each...

Government delays raising state pension age

The UK government has decided not to bring forward the date when the state pension age is due to rise from 67 to 68.
