How can HR support people who identify as Hindu?

To support employees who identify as Hindu, HR should prioritise person-centred relations and understanding the personal values, sensitivities and beliefs of each person we work with.

After the riots: How to lead people during a crisis

The summer’s street violence tested HR leaders’ crisis management skills. But how effective was their response? And what lessons can be learned?

An anticipatory welcome: the key to thriving for black and brown neurodiverse talent

If, instead of reacting, we developed proactive systems, we’d end up with workplaces where black and brown disabled and neurodiverse employees felt they belonged from day one.

Can certain perks help attract and retain staff with disabilities?

Many companies unintentionally overlook the unique needs of employees with disabilities when planning benefits packages, despite the fact that 24% of the population lives with a disability, according...

A four-day week won't rectify our poor relationship with work

Calls for a shorter working week signal a poor relationship with work. Let's tackle the root causes of this.

The key to employee happiness? Enable people to be themselves

It is important to reflect on why so many people are unhappy at work, and how we can build a culture of genuine happiness. The International Week of Happiness at Work begins next week (from 23 to 27...

Grievance procedures don't deliver justice at work

Many of our current procedures to create justice at work are not fit for purpose and do not garner positive working relationships. There is a better way.

Don’t ignore these subtle signs of a toxic workplace 

We spend a third of our lives at work, yet many HR professionals still overlook the subtle poisons seeping into our professional environments.

Who owns the values of a company? Should it be HR?

It's never been more important for companies to have a clear set of values. Not only can it provide a mission and mantra to galvanise, inspire, and motivate the workforce, but it can also help set a...

HR must support black and minority staff to report racism

Black and minority ethnic staff still feel uncomfortable reporting racism at work. HR has the power to change this.

Beyond Pride: How employers can avoid 'pinkwashing/rainbowwashing'

Organisers of London’s Pride parade now require employers to commit to a year-round LGBTQ+ inclusion programme, to tackle ‘pinkwashing’ and ‘rainbowwashing’ – where an employer professes, but does not...