Diversity is focus of September’s HR Summit US 2011

Variety is the spice of life. And as a growing number of progressive businesses are now realising, diversity can also provide the cornerstone to a high-performing workforce.


Embedding diversity is a commercial imperative, finds Opportunity Now survey

Despite the difficult economic climate, employers see the creation of more inclusive and diverse workplaces as a business imperative that will give them competitive advantage, according to a new...

Lawn Tennis Association signs up with Stonewall to fight homophobia at work

With less than a month to go until the 2011 Wimbledon Championships, the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) has increased its work to tackle homophobia in sport, including among its own employees.

NHS Employers names its 17 diversity partners

The NHS Employers organisation has named the 17 NHS trusts that have been awarded its Equality and Diversity Partner status for 2011/12.

Tackling the last remaining prejudice: achieving sexual orientation diversity and equality at work

I often talk with diversity managers about their key issues and challenges. My conversations suggest that achieving sexual orientation equality remains a challenge for many contemporary organisations,...

Diversity is a no-brainer, says Bank of America

Critics claim it can give some candidates an unfair advantage, but Geri Thomas, the global diversity and inclusion executive from the Bank of America, believes diversity recruitment is all about...


West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue first to achieve award for equality and diversity

West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority has become the first fire and rescue service to achieve the Excellence Standard for its equality and diversity work under the Fire and Rescue Services Equality...

Equality: Unconscious bias and the mini-me syndrome

Mini-me syndrome is a social phenomena where executives and others in the recruitment process choose employees and successors who are similar to themselves - often in age, style, industry experience...

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender study launched to investigate workplace discrimination

The world's biggest ever lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) study has been launched to highlight the true scale of workplace discrimination and reveal if diversity and inclusion programmes...

Diversity strategies will suffer in Government's drive for public-sector efficiency

Government budget cuts put diversity strategies at risk, according to an equality think tank.

Enterprise-Rent-A-Car joins Stonewall's Diversity Champions programme

Enterprise-Rent-A-Car has become the 600th employer to become a member of Stonewall's Diversity Champions Programme.

Stonewall launches search for Britain's most gay-friendly workplaces

Stonewall has opened its annual Workplace Equality Index to find Britain's most gay-friendly employer