Majority of UK workers keeping secrets at work

Workers are unlikely to disclose their sexual orientation, mental health issues or family problems at work

Is the silver force with you?

The strengths and opportunities afforded by a silver workforce outstrip the threats

Poor health could obstruct later life working

Half of older employees fear work will become detrimental to their health

Employees feel judged by age and gender

Employees are afraid they are not being taken seriously because of their age or gender

Older workers taking more work experience opportunities

Around 57,000 workers over the age of 50 have benefited from work experience since 2011

Closing the UK transport skills gap

The transport industry should develop a sustainable talent pipeline by leveraging young people

Older workers unhappier at work

Older staff are less likely to view their colleagues as friends and more likely to feel under-appreciated

Putting D&I at the heart of AI

AI could perpetuate the biases HR has been seeking to remove from systems, processes and data

We need to simplify recruitment language

Impenetrable ‘business speak’ discourages young jobseekers and can knock their confidence too

Introduce a transition year for young people

How many of us knew exactly what we wanted to do for a career at the age of 16,18, or even 21?

Businesses must do more for older workers

Older workers value learning, mentoring and career progression just as much as their younger peers

Hot topic: Key issues for the new government, part two

What key issues should the next government focus on?